Din handlevogn
{{vm.cart.items.length}} Enheter
Antall: {{ item.amount }}
Velg antall:
UID printed: {{ item.uidPrinted ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
yes no
Tilleggsinformasjon {{item.additionalInfo}}
{{$index + 1}}. Custom design
Product category: {{item.shapeType.title}}
Product shape: {{item.shape.title}}
Materiale: {{item.material.title}}
Frequency range {{item.dualFrequency ? '#1:' : ''}} {{item.frequencyRange1.title}}
Inlay type {{item.dualFrequency ? '#1:' : ''}} {{ item.inlayType1.title }}
Frequency range #2: {{item.frequencyRange2.title}}
Inlay type #2 {{ item.inlayType2.title }}
Material thickness: {{ item.materialThickness === null ? item.customThickness : item.materialThickness.title }}
I tillegg
Design options: {{ item.designOptions.title }}
Finishing options: {{item.finishingOptions.title}}
Additional finishing options: {{item.additionalFinishingOptions.title}}
UID printed: {{item.uidPrinted ? "yes" : "no"}}
Pin coding: {{item.pinCoding === null ? 'no' : item.pinCoding.title}}
Strekkode: {{item.barCode === null ? 'no' : item.barCode.title}}
Encoding: {{item.encoding === null ? 'no' : item.encoding.title}}
Antall: {{item.amount}}
Attach a datafile: {{item.datafilePath ? "yes" : "no"}}
You have no items in your cart
Din informasjon:
Clear form
RFID Sticker
RFID Sticker

RFID inlays can be ordered with custom graphics and with any chip configuration, please contact our sales or describe your custom order in Additional information below.

Antall: {{ vm.model.amount }}
Velg antall:
Inlay type {{ vm.model.inlayType === null ? '' : vm.model.inlayType.title }}
  • {{ inlayType.title }}
UID printed: {{ vm.model.uidPrinted ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
yes no
Tilleggsinformasjon {{vm.model.additionalInfo}}