Din handlevogn
{{vm.cart.items.length}} Enheter
Antall: {{ item.amount }}
Velg antall:
UID printed: {{ item.uidPrinted ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
yes no
Tilleggsinformasjon {{item.additionalInfo}}
{{$index + 1}}. Custom design
Product category: {{item.shapeType.title}}
Product shape: {{item.shape.title}}
Materiale: {{item.material.title}}
Frequency range {{item.dualFrequency ? '#1:' : ''}} {{item.frequencyRange1.title}}
Inlay type {{item.dualFrequency ? '#1:' : ''}} {{ item.inlayType1.title }}
Frequency range #2: {{item.frequencyRange2.title}}
Inlay type #2 {{ item.inlayType2.title }}
Material thickness: {{ item.materialThickness === null ? item.customThickness : item.materialThickness.title }}
I tillegg
Design options: {{ item.designOptions.title }}
Finishing options: {{item.finishingOptions.title}}
Additional finishing options: {{item.additionalFinishingOptions.title}}
UID printed: {{item.uidPrinted ? "yes" : "no"}}
Pin coding: {{item.pinCoding === null ? 'no' : item.pinCoding.title}}
Strekkode: {{item.barCode === null ? 'no' : item.barCode.title}}
Encoding: {{item.encoding === null ? 'no' : item.encoding.title}}
Antall: {{item.amount}}
Attach a datafile: {{item.datafilePath ? "yes" : "no"}}
You have no items in your cart
Din informasjon:
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RFID Leather Keyfob 4
RFID Leather Keyfob 4

These fine products are made with high quality bovine leather and are handsown. They are available with most common LF or HF semiconductors and suited for applications where durability is important. Available colours are blue, red, brown and black. Laser numbering (UID or sequential numbers) as well as Logo embossing or other graphic silk screen printing will give this product a tasteful, noble appearance.

Antall: {{ vm.model.amount }}
Velg antall:
Inlay type {{ vm.model.inlayType === null ? '' : vm.model.inlayType.title }}
  • {{ inlayType.title }}
UID printed: {{ vm.model.uidPrinted ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
yes no
Tilleggsinformasjon {{vm.model.additionalInfo}}