Din handlevogn
{{vm.cart.items.length}} Enheter
Antall: {{ item.amount }}
Velg antall:
UID printed: {{ item.uidPrinted ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
yes no
Tilleggsinformasjon {{item.additionalInfo}}
{{$index + 1}}. Custom design
Product category: {{item.shapeType.title}}
Product shape: {{item.shape.title}}
Materiale: {{item.material.title}}
Frequency range {{item.dualFrequency ? '#1:' : ''}} {{item.frequencyRange1.title}}
Inlay type {{item.dualFrequency ? '#1:' : ''}} {{ item.inlayType1.title }}
Frequency range #2: {{item.frequencyRange2.title}}
Inlay type #2 {{ item.inlayType2.title }}
Material thickness: {{ item.materialThickness === null ? item.customThickness : item.materialThickness.title }}
I tillegg
Design options: {{ item.designOptions.title }}
Finishing options: {{item.finishingOptions.title}}
Additional finishing options: {{item.additionalFinishingOptions.title}}
UID printed: {{item.uidPrinted ? "yes" : "no"}}
Pin coding: {{item.pinCoding === null ? 'no' : item.pinCoding.title}}
Strekkode: {{item.barCode === null ? 'no' : item.barCode.title}}
Encoding: {{item.encoding === null ? 'no' : item.encoding.title}}
Antall: {{item.amount}}
Attach a datafile: {{item.datafilePath ? "yes" : "no"}}
You have no items in your cart
Din informasjon:
Clear form
Preprinted RFID / NFC label rolls
Preprinted RFID / NFC label rolls

RFID / NFC labels can be ordered pre-printed with any chip configuration and encoding. In addition to the chip options, there are numerous optional features, get in touch!

Antall: {{ vm.model.amount }}
Velg antall:
Inlay type {{ vm.model.inlayType === null ? '' : vm.model.inlayType.title }}
  • {{ inlayType.title }}
UID printed: {{ vm.model.uidPrinted ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
yes no
Tilleggsinformasjon {{vm.model.additionalInfo}}