Your cart
{{vm.cart.items.length}} Item(s)
Quantity: {{ item.amount }}
Select amount:
UID printed: {{ item.uidPrinted ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
yes no
Additional information {{item.additionalInfo}}
{{$index + 1}}. Custom design
Product category: {{item.shapeType.title}}
Product shape: {{item.shape.title}}
Material: {{item.material.title}}
Frequency range {{item.dualFrequency ? '#1:' : ''}} {{item.frequencyRange1.title}}
Inlay type {{item.dualFrequency ? '#1:' : ''}} {{ item.inlayType1.title }}
Frequency range #2: {{item.frequencyRange2.title}}
Inlay type #2 {{ item.inlayType2.title }}
Material thickness: {{ item.materialThickness === null ? item.customThickness : item.materialThickness.title }}
Design options: {{ item.designOptions.title }}
Finishing options: {{item.finishingOptions.title}}
Additional finishing options: {{item.additionalFinishingOptions.title}}
UID printed: {{item.uidPrinted ? "yes" : "no"}}
Pin coding: {{item.pinCoding === null ? 'no' : item.pinCoding.title}}
Barcode: {{item.barCode === null ? 'no' : item.barCode.title}}
Encoding: {{item.encoding === null ? 'no' : item.encoding.title}}
Quantity: {{item.amount}}
Attach a datafile: {{item.datafilePath ? "yes" : "no"}}
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Standard PVC Cards
Standard PVC Cards

The standard payment card sized (85,5 × 54 mm) PVC card can be ordered with any chip configuration and encoding according to your needs. Please contact our sales with any queries.

For any custom options, such as graphics, numbering, etc. please use our card builder, or describe below in "Additional information"

Quantity: {{ vm.model.amount }}
Select amount:
Inlay type {{ vm.model.inlayType === null ? '' : vm.model.inlayType.title }}
  • {{ inlayType.title }}
UID printed: {{ vm.model.uidPrinted ? 'yes' : 'no' }}
yes no
Additional information {{vm.model.additionalInfo}}